My zone info is an ideal website for advertising and marketing. We furnish you with intact and genuine information about your city with images. My zone info website offers quick and easy access to essential information of particular and enhance the quality and availability of information to all the users.
Browse this website for additional resources on various Categories such as Home & Constructions, Fashion & Jewelers, Education, Health and Medical, Real-Estate, Beauty & Fitness, General Stores, Travel and Tourism, People & Services etc. By searching this we can easily find the location where should we go.
User can easily find the locations through browsing this website.

  • Google Map
  •   Queries
  •   Views
  • Comment
  • Ratings
  •  Social Media Shares
  •  Post details
  •   View details
  •   Edit/update details 

Google Map
When client post details in website. The address of the location will automatically redirect to the Google map and it shows the directions to that address.
By using this website user can easily reach the exact destination wherever he/she want to go.

When user wants to respond on any add provide by us, they will go to Send Queries button and post their queries or doubts regarding to the post ad in our website, the queries are directly sent to the particular ad authorization they will respond to the customer posts
When user send the queries to the particular ad, it will automatically send the query information to client email.

The views intimate the how many viewers for the particular product. Based on the views we know that what is most popular add and what are the services they are provided to the users of our website. The views intimates the popularity of a particular product. We are using dynamic views system in our website. This is more help to the customers of our website. If the user want to see any particular post in our website how many times he/she opened that product or our website the count will be added to the views that much of times he/she opened to browse it in our website.

Comments are the most useful and powerful medium to any particular product. The comments may effects the product image. We are providing the comments button here to the users who are accessing our website, they will comment on any particular product in our website. They should be displayed in our website page under the particular product. This may help customer point of view as well as user point of view. Based on the comments the user may know how the product effectible.

The users wants to rate any post in our website, It is a 5 star rating system. It tells what the best services from our customers are. The ratings according to the stars which may tell 1 star for poor,2 stars for better,3 stars for best,4 stars for good,5 stars for excellent services. We are providing dynamic rating system here.The ratings are regarding to the customer opinion to the particular post. Based on the rating system our customers may improve their productivity and they should give best services to the customers. The rating system may useful for the authorized persons of the posts given to us and as well as customers who accessed our website to get services respectively based on the customers opinions the authorities may improve their services and based on the rating system the customers may choose best thing from our website.

Social Media Shares
The customers wants to suggest any product in our website to others we are providing the sharing options which are containing most popular social media tabs. By using the social media buttons they will share the ads to others.

Post details
One user post by one ad only because to avoid duplication of posts.

Post Services
Post services unlimited for particular ad you can display day to day services

View details
Client can view all their ads and services

Edit/update details
Client can edit and update of their post ads and services details.

  for more details log on to our site myzoneinfo

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